



Diagnostics | Strategic & operations planning Organizational design | Management models |Balanced scorecard | Business architecture |
Methodology of operations | Knowledge management | Agile organzation | High level management services | Talent development | Training


Decisiones lentas, caos interno y ventas estancadas… ¡Felicidades,tienes una gobernanza débil!

Rodrigo Prado
In today’s rapidly evolving and highly competitive business landscape, companies face a constant challenge of delivering value to their customers while differentiating themselves from the competition.

Datos v/s intuición: la delgada línea entre el caos y una operación comercial inteligente

Rodrigo Prado
In today’s rapidly evolving and highly competitive business landscape, companies face a constant challenge of delivering value to their customers while differentiating themselves from the competition.

Implementando estructuras sólidas para la toma dedecisiones estratégicas: Deja de improvisar y empieza aliderar

Rodrigo Prado
In today’s rapidly evolving and highly competitive business landscape, companies face a constant challenge of delivering value to their customers while differentiating themselves from the competition.

La importancia de alinear estrategia y ejecución en ventas y marketing: Undesafío crítico para las empresas

Rodrigo Prado
In today’s rapidly evolving and highly competitive business landscape, companies face a constant challenge of delivering value to their customers while differentiating themselves from the competition.

Identificando brechas críticas: Cómo un diagnóstico puede transformar tu desempeño comercial

Rodrigo Prado
In today’s rapidly evolving and highly competitive business landscape, companies face a constant challenge of delivering value to their customers while differentiating themselves from the competition.

¿Qué es la madurez comercial y por qué es clave para tu negocio?

Rodrigo Prado
In today’s rapidly evolving and highly competitive business landscape, companies face a constant challenge of delivering value to their customers while differentiating themselves from the competition.

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¡Hola! Bienvenido

Decisiones lentas, caos interno y ventas estancadas… ¡Felicidades,tienes una gobernanza débil!

Rodrigo Prado